Friendship Township Services

Fire, Property Tax, Land Division, Cemetery, and Library

Fire and Rescue

RFC Fire and Rescue Association is a private volunteer fire and rescue operation serving Readmond, Friendship and Cross Village Townships. In 1989 Readmond and Friendship Townships formed North Emmet Emergency Services Authority (NEESA) to provide funding for the operation of the fire department. In 1992 Cross Village joined the authority. One mill is levied across the three townships and there is a board comprised of the supervisor and clerk of each township and a floating member at large to administer the authority which includes contracting for fire and rescue services, purchasing equipment as needed, and collecting the taxes.

As the fire department is a volunteer operation they are always looking for recruits to join either the fire or rescue. If you are interested in being a part of this important community team, please contact:

Chris Krupa, Fire Chief
RFC Office – 8338 West Robinson Road
Phone  231-526-2565

Review the ordinance to secure the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and property owners of Friendship Township. This document details standards for fire prevention and fire protection for Friendship Township.

Download Friendship Township Fire Protection Ordinance

Property Taxes

Summer tax bills are issued July 1 and due September 14. Winter tax bills are issued December 1 and due February 14. For both due dates, if it falls on the weekend, then the next business day is the due date. For winter taxes, if February 14 falls on a weekend and the following Monday is President’s Day, then taxes aren’t due until that following Tuesday. Once the summer tax bills are issued, the treasurer will accept partial payments through the end of February.

For more information or to set up payments, contact:

Kati Negley, Treasurer
Phone: 231-242-8752

Land Division

Doug Sundmacher is the Friendship Township Land Division administrator. Contact him to begin the application process. Fees for the application are:

  • 1–3 resulting parcels = $75
  • 4 or more resulting parcels = $125

Fees must be made payable to Friendship Township.

Download the Land Division Application
Download Notice of Lot Line Adjustment


All elections are held at the township hall located at the corner of Beacon Hill Lane and Stutsmanville Road. A drop box will be available at the township hall for depositing completed absentee ballots.

Download an Absentee Ballot Application

Public Notice To all qualified electors of Emmet County:

Notice is hereby given that early voting for the 2024 Presidential Primary will take place from February 17, 2024- February 25, 2024, at the V.F.W. Post 2051, 599 W. Conway Rd. Harbor Springs, MI 49740. Voting will take place each day: 8:30 am- 4:30 pm.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact:

Janell Van Divner, Clerk
Phone: 231-526-6410
E Mail:

Friendship Township Cemetery

Friendship Township has two cemeteries, one of which is located across from the township hall and the other is .2 mile south of the township hall on the west side of Beacon Hill Lane. There are just a few lots for sale in the original cemetery. The new cemetery has over 500 lots available. If you currently live or own property in the township you can purchase 2 burial sites at a very nominal cost. You can contact the sexton or the clerk for more information.


Friendship Township contracts with the Alanson Area Public Library for library services for our constituents. To sign up for a card you need to go to the library in Alanson and show that you live in Friendship Township. Once you have your card you can access ebooks, book loans, ancestry lookup, etc. There is a return book drop box in front of the township hall. This service is available spring through fall.

For more information on what is offered, visit

Meeting Dates

Township Board: First Wednesday of the month at Friendship Township Hall on Beacon Hill Lane at 7:00 pm.

Planning Commission: Fourth Monday of the month at Friendship Township Hall on Beacon Hill Lane at 7:00 pm.

Download Inspection of Public Records Policy